Wednesday, January 25, 2006

What I have been up to as of late

Second Life it is going pretty well for me as of late. I recently made tons of L$ on a clothing contract, which basically means that I had to make dozens of customised flight jackets for Runway 6, a Aeronautics company. Their employees were quite impressed with my work, luckily. Also have a vender set up for my other works as well, but sadly, I have only made one sale so far. I think I will do better once I get even a slight amount of name reconition. ((WanderWear, say it!))

Been meeting a lot of new friends as well, a big shoutout goes to Cedric Aderdeen and Mike Westerburg for being my main inspiration for staying on Second Life, as are Argaron Lardner and Karnis Baphomet for being very loyal friends.

UPDATE: Just fried my computer... so I'm on a way slow computer for my SLing... At least it is something.


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